Martin Luther Books

  • ABC's of Martin Luther King Jr.
    A brief biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his activism, achievements, and impact on civil rights in America.
    Eye Icon 11704
    Star Icon 767
  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
    Eye Icon 22103
    Star Icon 1105
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book tells the life story of Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent civil rights activist in American history, from his childhood to his assassination.
    Eye Icon 1043
    Star Icon 73
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    A biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., his fight for equal rights, and his famous dream speech.
    Eye Icon 2299
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  • Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book provides a biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his upbringing, education, and his role in the civil rights movement.
    Eye Icon 1044
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  • The Life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    This book provides a biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., highlighting his life, achievements, and impact on the Civil Rights movement.
    Eye Icon 980
    Star Icon 62
  • Martin Luther King, Jr.
    The story of Martin Luther King Jr., his struggle for civil rights, and his impact on society.
    Eye Icon 808
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  • The Life of Martin Luther King Jr.
    The story of Martin Luther King Jr.'s life, from his birth in Atlanta to his activism and speeches for civil rights.
    Eye Icon 724
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