Maximilien De Robespierre Books

  • The Poor Take Over
    A brief overview of the French Revolution, including the three estates, the role of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, the storming of the Bastille, and the rise of Maximilien d…
    Eye Icon 28
  • Maria's Food Adventure Aventura de Comida de
    Maria learns to try new foods and discovers a love for broccoli, leading to a change in her eating habits.
    Eye Icon 361
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  • Des enfants sur Mars
    This is a story imagined by a 2nd grade class French immersion Audubon Charter school New Orleans.
    Eye Icon 160
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  • El primer dia de escuela de Nico
    primer dia de escuela
    Eye Icon 6474
    Star Icon 86
  • Un cuento de amor en mayo
    Un cuento de amor en mayo de Silvia Schujer - adaptación
    Eye Icon 7408
    Star Icon 62
  • ¡AAAAAAAAAA! El cole de los mayores.
    Recomendado para todas aquellas criaturas que van a cambiar de ciclo o etapa.
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