Mayan Books

  • Don't Worry Eme!
    Worry dolls are a legend from the Mayan culture from Guatemala. I loved collecting them when I was younger. I hope you enjoy the story.
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  • The Mayan Civilazation
    Chapter 1: Geography and Early Foundations - The Mayan civilization's geography, city-states, agriculture, and social structure. Chapter 2: The Golden Age and Achievements - …
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  • The Culture of the Maya Empire
    A brief overview of the Maya civilization, including their location, lifestyle, food, religion, government, and more.
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  • The Mayans
    The story introduces the Mayans, their achievements, and their mysterious disappearance. It then presents a fictional account of how the gods of water and fire destroyed the …
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  • My honeymoon and 10 years after
    A couple's wedding and subsequent trips to Cancun are described, including visits to Chichén Itzá and Xcaret Park.
  • The Tale of Two Twins
    This is a tale of the two Hero Twins of Mayan culture, One Hunahpu and Seven Hunahpu, and how One Hunahpu’s children, Hunahpu and Xbalanque, lived out the rest of their legac…
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  • Mayan Magic Mayhem Bennett Meddows
    John and Serena, two explorers, embark on a journey to find an ancient golden city in the Yucatan Peninsula. They face numerous challenges and discover a genie who grants Joh…
  • Xotlit, a Mayan story
    A historical story with something of real life events happened during the Mayan times.
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