Meanness Books

  • The Rise of the Unicorns
    A poetic exploration of the diverse nature of birds, highlighting their different characteristics and emotions.
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  • Beating The Odds
    Chloe, a strong and determined girl, overcomes her nerves and wrestles boys in the state championship, winning first place and becoming an inspiration for girls.
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  • Broken Hearts And Broken Bones
    When given the choice to be right or kind, choose kind
    Please click on this book and read it also like it and comment and I will give u a shout-out in my next book!
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  • Cinderella
    Cinderella, mistreated by her stepmother and stepsisters, attends a ball with the help of her fairy godmother. She captures the prince's heart and they marry.
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  • Learning How To Be Kind
    A book that teaches children about the importance of kindness, respect, and maturity, and the negative effects of bullying and meanness.
  • Sarah Stands Up!
    Sarah loves online games but faces meanness from a friend. After talking to her sister about online safety, she learns to practice digital empathy and chooses to delete the g…
  • One Truly Knows Who Their Friend Is
    Anna and her friend Thea have a falling out when Thea starts being mean. Anna stands up for herself and finds a new best friend.
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  • The Corona
    A girl fights against the spread of Corona in her city, using soap and other precautions. She saves the day and receives an award.
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