Mecca Books

  • Mecca the Anchiceratops
    In Singapore, Mecca Huggins, a heroic Anchiceratops, battles the ruthless Ervil LeBaron, a Gresslyosaurus, to protect the city from chaos and destruction.
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  • Muhammad: The Story of Islam
    The story of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, from his birth in Mecca to the spread of the religion and its teachings.
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  • World Religions
    Allen, a curious traveler, embarks on a journey around the world to learn about various religions. He visits Jerusalem, Mecca, Israel, India and more, meeting locals who teac…
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  • The story of the prophet Muhammad
    The story of Muhammad, the founder of Islam, his life, teachings, and impact on Arabia.
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  • Mansa Musa By: Ty Regan
    The story of Mansa Musa, the ruler of the Mali Empire, who became incredibly wealthy and generous, leaving a lasting impact on Africa.
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  • The Life and Journey's of Ibn Battuta
    The story of Ibn Battuta, a famous explorer who traveled extensively in the 14th century, facing dangers and documenting his journeys.
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  • The Holy Kaabah
    The Kaaba is a sacred shrine in Mecca for Muslims. It is a cube-shaped structure and the most important spot on Earth for Muslims.
  • Hajj : A Journey To Remember
    This story is about a young 12-year-old Arab girl who narrates her thoughts about going on, the importance of, and preparation to go on the Hajj! She also writes about the ta…
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