Mechanical Engineering Books

  • Mechanical Engineering
    This book introduces mechanical engineering, discussing what mechanical engineers do, the things they make, and how they build them.
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  • Mechanical Engineering
    This book is short and not to descriptive. It isn't very good either.
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  • Shelby Jacobs: African-American Aerospace Engineer
    The biography of Shelby Jacobs, an African-American aerospace engineer who overcame discrimination to make significant contributions to the space industry.
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  • Mechanical Engineering
    An introduction to mechanical engineering, including its principles, education requirements, and career opportunities.
  • Mechanical Engineering
    A brief introduction to the history, areas of research, labors, and future aspirations of a mechanical engineer.
  • Dr. Aprille Ericsson
    The inspiring story of Aprille Ericsson, a young girl from the Roosevelt Projects in New York City who overcame obstacles to become a renowned scientist and engineer at NASA.
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  • Tim the Engineer
    Tim is a mechanical engineer who works hard to build machines. The story explains what mechanical engineering is and how Tim does his job.
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  • The Legacy of Elijah McCoy
    This is a biography of Elijah McCoy, a mechanical engineer and inventor known for his lubrication systems. It covers his early life, career, contributions to science, marriag…
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