Medicine Books

  • The Man Who Changed The World!
    For my Dad... An amazing man who taught me to never stop striving for greatness and always encouraged me to do and be my absolute best.
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  • Kids Get Arthritis Too
    Ethan is a 10 years old little boy who suffers from arthritis. He wanted to share his story and let others know that they are not alone.
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  • The Magical Medicine
    Tinku, a talented boy in everything except singing, is teased by his classmates. A fairy helps him gain the ability to sing, but he forgets to take the medicine on the day of…
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  • How we use Medicine Wisely
    A child wakes up feeling sick, goes to the doctor, and learns about prescribed and non-prescribed drugs.
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  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Princess Without Borders
    Princess Adrianna dreams of becoming a doctor but is expected to marry and be a queen. When her father falls ill, she seizes the opportunity to prove herself and pursues her …
  • Venus Fly Trap
    This book provides information about the Venus Fly Trap, including its habitat, characteristics, carnivorous nature, and potential medical uses.
  • Doctors Help Us
    A young child shares their experiences with doctors and the importance of medicine, check-ups, and healthy habits.
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