Meena Books

  • Meena
    Meena, a girl who dreams of going to school, learns to count with the help of her parrot Mithu and catches a chicken thief.
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  • Meena And The Forest By - Riya Verma
    Meena disobeys her mother and goes to a museum with her friend Aanya. They get scared when they encounter a lion in a hidden forest, but they promise never to go there again.
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  • Who is Meena?
    Meena, a spirited nine-year-old girl, overcomes obstacles to go to school and fight stigma. Her stories address key issues affecting children in South Asia.
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  • Rita's Ark
    A children's story book that builds excitement as the animals go on their journey to safety, led by Rita the Cheetah.
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  • Meena reel to real story
    Meena, a popular character in South Asia, faces bullying and learns to stand up for herself and others. The story highlights important social issues.
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  • My dream come true
    this story is about a girl called Meena, she does hardwork and her dream came true
  • Sheena's Toy room
    Sheena's messy toy room leads to a realization and change. She cleans up and plans to invite her friend over.
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  • F.R.I.E.N.D.S
    Meet the Class of Kindy Blue, a group of friends who stick together and stand up to bullies.
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