Messaging App Books

    A collection of websites used by eTwinning OUR SECURE DIGITAL TRACKS project partner pupils. The websites are related by pictures and short descriptions.
  • My story book of the social networks
    A story about how people are adapting to the pandemic by using social media for communication and education.
    The story is about a group of students from different countries who work together to create a digital dictionary. They learn about various digital terms and play games relate…
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  • Cyberbullying What is it and how do I stop it?
    Cyberbullying is the use of digital technology to harm others. It has serious effects, but can be stopped by reporting, blocking, and seeking help.
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  • Cyberbullying
    This guide explains cyberbullying, its effects, and how to report and prevent it, emphasizing the importance of protecting personal information online.
  • ABC's of Computer and Internet words.
    An alphabetical list of technology-related terms and their definitions, aimed at teaching children about computers and the internet.
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  • ABC's of Technology
    An alphabet book that introduces various technology-related terms from A to Z.
  • Cyberbullyng.What is it and how do I stop it ?
    Cyberbullying is online harassment that can harm mental health and relationships. This guide offers ways to protect yourself and stop bullying.
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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