Metropolitan Area Books

  • Urbanization in Frisco
    The story explains the different types of areas - rural, suburban, urban, metropolitan, and megalopolis - using Frisco as an example.
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  • The Growth of Frisco
    A personal narrative about the transformation of a rural town into a suburban area, and its connection to a larger urban region.
    A biography of Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, highlighting his achievements and impact on popular culture.
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  • Frisco a Growing City
    The story describes the transformation of Frisco from a rural town to a suburban area and its future growth into an urban and metropolitan area.
  • Finland Easter around Europe
    An introduction to Finland, its geography, capital city, and popular tourist attractions.
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  • George and the City!
    George the monkey explores the changing city of Frisco, Texas and discovers its transformation from a rural area to a suburb of Dallas.
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  • The Living City
    The story follows the growth of Frisco from a small rural town to a metropolitan area, and its eventual inclusion in the Texas Triangle.
  • The story of Frisco
    Joe, tired of city life, starts a farm but finds it too slow. He moves to the suburbs, finding a compromise between city and rural living.
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