Miami Books

  • The Miami Adventures
    A group of friends with different interests - Ricardo the intellectual, Guillermo the foodie, Violet the free spirit, and Felesia the partier - embark on a trip to Miami. The…
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  • Field Trip to the Science Museum
    A girl goes on a class trip to the science museum in Miami.
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  • Field Trip to the Science Museum
    A first grader goes on a class trip to the science museum in Miami.
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  • The Simpson's
    Bart and Lisa discover their parents are in Miami, so they follow them and spend the rest of the holiday together.
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  • Lebron James
    LeBron James's basketball career, from high school to the NBA, his championships, and his return to Cleveland.
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  • Mermaid magic
    Diana, a girl who turns 13, goes to Miami for her birthday and meets a mermaid, leading to a great adventure.
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  • Zoo Miami
    A first grader goes on a class trip to the science museum in Miami.
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  • The Day the Hurricane Arrived
    A nine-year-old recounts their experience during the 1926 Great Miami Hurricane, including their bravery, fear, and survival in a devastated city.
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