Middle Colonies Books

  • The Original 13 Colonies
    A short description about the colonial regions of the New England Colonies, the Middle Colonies, and the Southern Colonies.
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  • The Middle Colonies
    An overview of the Middle Colonies, their founding, economy, triangular trade, and the Quakers' role in the New World.
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  • The Middle Colonies
    An overview of the Middle Colonies, including their founders, economy, trade, and the influence of Quakers.
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  • Middle Colonies
    This story provides a brief history of the founding of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, as well as an overview of Quakers, Navigation Acts, and Triangular Tr…
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  • Middle Colonies
    A brief overview of the founding and history of Pennsylvania, focusing on William Penn and the South Colonies.
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  • The Mighty Middle Colonies
    A brief overview of the founding and history of New York, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Quakers, Navigation Acts, Triangular Trade, and Middle Colonies Economy.
  • The 13 Colonies: Middle Colonies
    A brief history of the Middle Colonies, their diverse population, farming practices, and diet.
  • New England Middle and Southern Colonies
    A brief overview of the middle colonies and southern colonies, mentioning their climate, agriculture, religion, and social hierarchy.
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