Mind-blowing Books

  • Optical Illusions
    A fun collection of optical illusions. :) Hopefully they'll boggle your mind!
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  • The Mind-Blowing Poems
    A collection of poems and short stories by Symin Garcia, covering various topics such as riding a bike, Hercules, pizza, Adam Sandler, Stampy Longhnoes, funny tales, family, …
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    Alex is less than thrilled that he needs to get his volunteer hours at a retirement residence. He's even less enthused when he has to accompany some seniors to see an old-tim…
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  • Where Are You Violet Guy?
    Violet gets a parcel from a delivery, err, squid, and finds herself in different parallel universes! But why would something randomly show up at her door when she hasn't even…
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  • I bet you didn't know this! (Animals)
    A collection of interesting facts about animals, including pigeons' math skills, headless cockroaches, glowing sharks, penguins burying their dead, butterflies' eyes, and lio…
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    Ever since he was a young boy, Tom dreamed of having a mustache. Once he was old enough, he grew one of the finest mustaches in the land. Tom and his mustache were living the…
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  • Did you see that?!
    An informative book about different types of magic tricks, their techniques, and the dedication required to master them.
  • Friends Til The End Resturant
    A collection of various poems and short writings about friendship, covering different styles and themes.
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  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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