Minerals Books

  • How to Play Minecraft
    An introduction to the game Minecraft, including gameplay mechanics, monsters, weapons, armor, skins, minerals, crafting, and mods.
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  • Princess Mineral
    10 princes are selected to try to win over the princess' hand in marriage, they all bring gifts in hopes of impressing her, but what is truly the most important of them all?
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  • Vitamins and Minerals
    The story provides detailed information about various vitamins and minerals, their benefits, deficiencies, and recommended daily allowances. It covers Vitamin A, Beta Caroten…
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  • ABC's of Vitamins and Minerals
    The story provides information about various vitamins and minerals, their functions in the body, symptoms of deficiency or excess, recommended daily allowances, and food sour…
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  • The Nether War
    Steve goes to the Nether to explore. But little does he know a surprise is waiting for him!
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  • Rowan the Rock
    A story about the formation and types of rocks, told through the journey of a rock named Rowan. It covers the rock cycle, different rock classifications, and includes a gloss…
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  • Vitamins and Minerals
    This informative book provides detailed information about various vitamins and minerals, their functions, sources, and the effects of their deficiency or excess in the body.
  • The Stolen Medals
    Missy and Natalie, swimming superstars, prepare for the Olympics. After winning gold medals, they chase down Pete Pyrite, who stole them.
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