Mining Books

  • Mining Is Hard
    Steve goes mining for diamonds and emeralds, but encounters challenges with trading and the villagers. He makes some questionable choices along the way.
    Eye Icon 912
    Star Icon 82
  • The Quest For Diamonds
    A new minecraft adventure in my series. You can only remix if you give me credit.

    by hb18
    Eye Icon 3552
    Star Icon 193
  • Mining, Mining, Mined!
    A miner and his friends embark on a dangerous adventure in a mine filled with lava, precious minerals, and unexpected dangers. They encounter various challenges including fal…
    Eye Icon 54
    Star Icon 5
  • Minecraft PC/Mac
    A guide to playing Minecraft, including creating a world, moving, building and mining, joining servers, and using chat and commands.
    Eye Icon 7657
    Star Icon 335
  • Minecraft
    A guide to playing Minecraft, including crafting, mining, and building a house.
    by akog
    Eye Icon 2235
    Star Icon 87
  • Steve
    Steve goes mining in search of diamonds and eventually finds them.
    Eye Icon 1374
    Star Icon 91
  • Minecraft
    A guide to playing Minecraft, including crafting, mining, and building a house.
    Eye Icon 5444
    Star Icon 185
  • How to play Minecraft pocket edition
    A brief guide to playing Minecraft Pocket Edition, including building, mining, crafting, and server information.
    Eye Icon 1957
    Star Icon 64
  • Didn't find what you're looking for?    Create your own book
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