Missing Person Books

  • The camping trip
    Steve takes his school kids on a camping trip. They set up camp, go fishing, eat, hike, and find a missing person in a village.
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  • Ismaile's Poetry Anthology
    A collection of short poems and messages expressing love, well wishes, and missing a person named Ismaile.
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  • Where did Mountainsyay go?
    The narrator expresses concern for their friend Alyssa, who has gone missing. They share their admiration for Alyssa and their worry about her well-being.
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    A detective mouse that tries to solve the case of the missing mouse at the carnival.
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  • The Mysterious Secrets of the Universe
    Inferno and his swamp monster companion embark on an exciting adventure through outer space. They encounter various celestial bodies, face dangers, and meet new characters. T…
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  • The Ad of Digiplate Book 8
    A group of characters search for a missing person and encounter various obstacles along the way.
  • Daisy The Dog
    Daisy, a dog, is adopted by a family and becomes a hero when she saves them from a robber. She also helps find a missing person and goes on an adventure to the moon.
  • The Missing Eskimo
    Mumlluq, a 6-year-old girl, goes on a trip to Alakanuk and gets lost. Her mother finds her with the help of a kind stranger. They return home safely.
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