Mississippi Books

  • Lila Faye Medley Price
    A family history of Great Grandma Lila, her parents, siblings, and life events from Mississippi to Tennessee during the Great Depression and World War II.
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  • Mississippi Grief
    A tale of an unfortunate family, who's lives are transformed through faith and love.
  • Mississippi Adventure
    A thrilling adventure of a child's tubing trip down the Mississippi River, encountering various challenges and wildlife along the way.
  • Flat Dandelion's Day in Hattiesburg
    Abby Hipp takes her flat friend, Flat Dandelion, on a tour of Hattiesburg, Mississippi, visiting the Visitor's Center, Public Library, and Train Depot.
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  • William H. Price Jr. Citizen Soldier
    This is a detailed account of William H. Price Jr.'s life, from his childhood in rural Mississippi during the 1930s to his service in the State Guard during World War II and …
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  • Grierson's Raid April 1863
    Reflection of the Southern Claims Commission Petition of Malinda Noblen nee Price in 1872 for losses incurred during the Grierson Raid of April 1863. Placed into context of t…
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  • The Mississippi Burning
    A book about the events surrounding the disappearance of three civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1964 and the subsequent investigation.
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  • All About Me
    A brief autobiography of Madison House, from her birth in Mississippi to her current pursuit of a degree in Elementary Education.
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