Mixed Economy Books

  • 4 Types of Economic Systems
    This book provides a basic overview of different economic systems, including traditional, command, market, and mixed economies.
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  • The Economic Monkey
    Diddy the monkey is an entrepreneur who uses land, labor, and capital to make banana products. He faces economic challenges like scarcity, price ceilings, and competition fro…
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  • Economic Systems Around The World
    This story provides definitions and explanations of traditional, command, market, and mixed economies, as well as examples of countries with mixed economies.
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  • All about Social Studies
    I made this book in Mr. Vaughts 7th History class. East Noble Middle School Class of 2015-2016
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  • The Economic Systems
    This book provides an overview of different economic systems, including traditional, command, market, and mixed economies, highlighting their positives and negatives.
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  • The journey of Ermir, the Albanian eagle
    Ermir, an eagle from Albania, goes on a journey to Italy but eventually returns home. He learns about trade and realizes Albania's economic system.
  • The Four Wizards
    Several economic wizards debate which economic system to use for the emerging kingdoms, ultimately deciding on a mixed economy.
  • Types of economics
    An overview of traditional, command, and mixed economies, discussing their benefits and drawbacks.
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