Mixed Media Books

  • Different Kinds of Art
    This is a book about different kinds of two dimensional art. I used pieces of my own work as examples of two dimensional art work.
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  • Artists Aspirations
    A collection of quotes from young artists about their inspirations, techniques, and aspirations in various art forms.
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  • Digital Art Therapy
    DiDi, a digital art therapy tool, introduces Dr. Human to various technologies used in art therapy, such as green screens, virtual reality, and digital mixed media.
  • Art Medium's with Milo
    Milo, an art enthusiast, explores various art mediums like drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, sculpture, and mixed media.
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  • Mami Knows Best
    A young girl learns the importance of listening to her mother's warnings after a fall at her aunt's house.
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    The Guess the Next Step activity engaged students and teachers from multiple countries to enhance critical thinking about media, with mixed feelings about teamwork and social…
  • My First Book
    A collection of e-safety rules from various schools, providing tips on how to stay safe online and protect personal information.
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  • The corgi's
    A book about corgis, their types, popularity, and care. Includes a glossary and bibliography.
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