Models Books

  • What Makes You a Super Hero?
    This book helps remind kids that through every day actions of being kind, helpful and thoughtful, they have the "powers" to be a Super Hero.
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  • Roblox model
    Layla, a famous Roblox player, loves editing photos, playing roleplay games, and the guitar. She made a special photo for her friend Glaze before she left the city.
  • Sports Cars
    If you like sports cars this is the book for you!!!
  • Biography of Bethany Hamilton
    The inspiring story of Bethany Hamilton, a professional surfer who overcame the loss of her arm in a shark attack and became a role model for women and disabled athletes.
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  • The Ideal Role Model
    The story discusses the qualities of an ideal role model and how they can inspire others to live a healthy, responsible, and positive life.
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    hi it's me i just want you guys to read my book and like it. holly wood models are amazing you know they are beautiful.
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  • Why Do I Need Place Value?
    James, a second-grader, is nervous about moving to the third grade due to his struggles with place value in math. His friends Shamar and Jenny help him understand place value…
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  • History of the Atom
    This book provides a brief history of atomic models and the scientists who contributed to their development.
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