Monument Books

  • Indianapolis Guide
    This book is a collaborative effort by three second-grade classes, providing an informative guide about Indianapolis. It covers various landmarks, institutions, and historica…
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  • The Mystery of Stonehenge
    Stonehenge, a mysterious and ancient monument in the UK, is explored, including its history, construction, and religious significance.
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  • Cleopatra VII
    The story of Cleopatra, her rise to power, leadership style, major accomplishments, monuments and building projects, battles and conquests, and family life.
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  • American Monuments
    This book provides information about three famous American monuments: the Lincoln Memorial, Mount Rushmore, and the Statue of Liberty. It also includes some fun facts and mat…
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  • Our monuments
    The story provides historical information about Gediminas' Tower in Lithuania, Petra in Jordan, and the Parthenon in Greece.
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  • The Statue of the Liberty
    A brief history of the Statue of Liberty, including its construction, symbolism, and visitor information.
  • Taj Mahal
    The Taj Mahal is a magnificent Mughal monument in Agra, India, built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife. It is a symbol of love and devotion, combining various archi…
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  • Historical monuments of Trikala region !
    The story explores the natural and historical monuments in the Prefecture of Trikala, including the castle of Trikala, the old city of Varousi, Kursum Mosque, the central bri…
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