Moose Books

    Becca's Wild Moose Chase is the story of a bumble bee and a moose. Following an unfortunate first encounter and a chase through the prairie, the pair forget their differences…
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  • If You Give a Moose a Muffin
    The book by Laura Numeroff, about give a moose a muffin
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  • The Seal, the Puffin & the Moose
    A cute story about a seal, a puffin and a moose and how each thinks they know everything. However, while each has their own "view" they each only know a part of the story. Gr…
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  • If You Give A Moose A Muffin
    A moose's request for a muffin leads to a series of events, including making sock puppets, a puppet show, and a Halloween scare.
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  • The Adventures of Moose and Baily: Moose Takes on The Big Bird
    Moose tries to get attention by dressing up and doing tricks, but ends up losing her puppy, Willy. Moose goes on an adventure to find Willy and saves her from a hawk.
  • The Very Very Happy Moose
    Blake the moose is sad when he can't find his friends, but they surprise him for his birthday and make him happy.
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  • How the Moose got Loose
    Benny and Bernie, two bull moose, get stuck together in a grassland but manage to free themselves with a plan.
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  • Moose
    A description of moose, their habitat, behavior, and threats they face.
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