Morals Books

  • What Makes You a Super Hero?
    This book helps remind kids that through every day actions of being kind, helpful and thoughtful, they have the "powers" to be a Super Hero.
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  • A Lesson from the Magic Ball
    Princess Tahirah saves her magical land from disaster when a witch, troll, and wolf try to change it according to their preferences.
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  • Goldilocks and the Three Bears
    Three bears start their day, but Goldilocks enters their house and causes chaos. She apologizes and they become friends.
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  • The Amazing Alabama Animals
    A collection of stories teaching children about self-control, honesty, patience, and confidence. Each story features an animal character learning a valuable lesson.
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  • Tina the Lying Turtle
    Tina the Lying Turtle learns the importance of telling the truth and being kind to her friends in the jungle.
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  • True Friends
    A short and sweet story about the qualities of true friendship, emphasizing honesty, support, kindness, and loyalty.
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  • Recount of Aesop's Fables
    This is a collection of moral stories featuring animals as main characters. Each story teaches a valuable lesson such as not being greedy, never underestimating others, the i…
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  • Moral Stories
    Three short stories with morals: a crow finds a clever way to drink water, a mouse helps a lion, and a boy hides his love for a rival soccer team.
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