Mother Earth Books

  • Acorn and Nut's adventure to save Mother Earth By Mommy Christmas 2022
    Acorn and Nut, two woodland creatures, discover that the constant rain is actually Mother Earth's tears. They embark on a global journey to find a solution, eventually enlist…
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  • Be Kind To Mother Earth
    A simple and informative story about ways to protect the Earth, including reducing, reusing, recycling, conserving water, and planting trees.
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  • The Sun and Moon
    A tale of forbidden love between the Sun King and Moon Queen, cursed to rule the skies apart. Mother Nature finds a way for them to be together during storms.
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    A girl named Daisy learns about the greenhouse effect and global warming in a dream, and vows to take care of the Earth.
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  • Earth Day
    Johnny and Lucy learn about Earth Day from their mother and decide to take action to keep the Earth healthy and clean.
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  • The ABC's of Mother Earth
    A discussion of climate change and its controversies, including stakeholder boundaries, willful ignorance, and the need for action.
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  • Arnav, Please Save Your Mother Earth
    Arnav, a curious boy, discovers a spaceship in the woods and travels to Mars. There he learns about the history of life on Mars and the importance of saving Earth from destru…
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