Mountain Climbing Books

  • Climbing Clara's Mountain
    "Climbing Cara's Mountain" unveils the heartwarming journey of young Cara, whose dream is to conquer the towering mountain she sees from her window. Along the way, she learns…
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  • The Ski Story
    This is a funny story about a dog who eats 6 hot dogs in ten minutes and goes to the X Games for Puppies and goes mountain climbing! To learn more, read this book! Happy read…
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  • Sports Around the World
    An ABC book covering a wide range of sports, from A to Z!
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    This book provides information about the life of pandas, including their habitat, diet, life cycle, and fun facts.
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    This book introduces various types of trucks and their purposes, from dump trucks to ice cream trucks. It also mentions some interesting facts about each type of truck.
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  • Adventure
    A child and their dad go on a challenging mountain climbing adventure, facing fear and learning to trust themselves.
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  • The Climb
    A thrilling adventure of two friends climbing the challenging Flatiron mountain in Arizona, facing obstacles and conquering their fears.
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  • Check out 10 extremely dangerous sports
    A collection of short descriptions about extreme sports and activities, including cave diving, base jumping, heli-skiing, mountain climbing, scuba diving, big wave surfing, s…
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