Movement Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • Moving with Cindy
    Cindy encourages kids to move their bodies through various sports and activities in different seasons.
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  • Do Plants Move?
    Plants can move and respond to their environment in unique ways, such as bending towards light or closing flowers at night. They don't have sense organs but can still sense a…
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  • Civil Rights Movement
    Charles, a white boy in 1963 Washington DC, witnesses the Civil Rights Movement and has a change of heart.
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  • A New Beginning
    Pancho the penguin discovers a hole in his ice and embarks on a journey to find answers. With the help of his friends, he learns about climate change and leads a movement to …
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  • Let Art Play A Part!
    Inspiration for the Artist in all of us! Excellent opening tool for Educators, Parents and those needing a nudge to tap in to their creativity.
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  • Earth's Movement
    The story explains the reasons behind seasons, night and day, tides, solar and lunar eclipses.
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  • Skeletal And  Muscular System
    An informative book about the skeletal and muscular systems, their functions, and their importance in our body. Includes some inaccuracies and lacks clear organization.
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