Mozart Books

    A brief biography of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, his musical achievements, and the mystery surrounding his death.
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  • Mozarts Big Adventure
    Mozart, a dog, embarks on an adventure to find his boy Ben's lost stuffed bear, Mr. Wigglebottom, and reunite with him before bedtime.
  • Mozart's biography
    The story of Mozart's life, from his childhood prodigy to his struggles with work and personal life, ending with his death.
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  • Mozart, the genius of geniuses
    This is the biography of Mozart, one of the most important composers. The genious of geniouses!
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  • Mozart's biography
    The story of Mozart's life, from his childhood in Salzburg to his death in Vienna, highlighting his musical genius and personal struggles.
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  • The life of Mozart
    The story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, his musical career, personal life, and tragic death.
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    The story of Mozart's life, from his travels as a child prodigy to his struggles with relationships and finances, ending with his untimely death.
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  • WolfGang Amadeus Mozart
    The story of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a child prodigy and famous composer, from his birth in 1756 to his death in 1791.
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