Multigenerational Books

  • Chuck's Gallery
    A tour through their grandfather's art gallery teaches six children about art, beauty and the importance of family. This book was written as a gift to my family as we support…
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  • There's an Elephant in my Kitchen
    I used to sing this with our children and grandchildren, while doing the dishes
    Charlie introduces his family and their weekly Sunday visits to his grandparents' house.
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  • I love my nonna
    A child expresses their love for their nonna and lists various reasons why they love her.
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  • Dadi coming to our house
    A child's day with their grandmother, Dadi, as they spend time together and enjoy delicious food.
  • The Unquiet Earth
    The Unquiet Earth by Denise Giardina is a multi-generational story of star-crossed lovers and the struggles of West Virginia coal miners.
  • Camille's Family Book
    Camille shares her family's structure, functions, and traditions, highlighting their strong bonds, support, and love for each other through various activities and roles.
  • Kolby's Family Book
    My family includes my parents, brother, grandparents, and pets. We share love, traditions, and support each other through various family functions and stages of life.
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