Multiverse Books

  • Creatures of the Multiverse
    "Creatures of the Multiverse" is a delightful children's book that takes young readers on an intergalactic adventure. Join curious creatures from a distant world as they expl…
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  • Multiverse of Miles
    A 12-year-old boy named Miles discovers portals to different realities and assembles a team of alternate versions of himself to fight an evil version. They succeed and part w…
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  • Om Nom and Kirby
    A curious nommie meets an alien named Kirby and helps him heal. They become friends and promise to meet again.
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  • Harrison the hedgehog
    A hedgehog named Harrison goes on an adventure to defeat a robot that looks like him. In the end, he escapes and hints at future adventures.
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    Spiderman, known as Peter Parker, is a hero in New York City. He faces challenges, gains new abilities, and inspires others. The story ends with the introduction of a new Spi…
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  • The New Skeld pt 3
    The final installment of "The New Skeld" series...the whole series delves into the new wave of astronauts, who are tasked to make peace around the multiverse. The series is 2…
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  • The multiverse
    An informational book about the multiverse, galaxies, black holes, and more. Ends with a mention of making peaceful contact with aliens.
  • Evolution of the universe
    An informative book about the formation and mysteries of the universe, including the big bang, dark energy, and the possibility of a multiverse.
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