Muscle Cars Books

  • Passion and Power Muscle Cars
    This book is very interesting, if you like cars then you would love this book. But anyone can read it. I hope you like it. Thanks.

    -Joel Chapin
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  • Cars and Bikes
    This book provides information about popular cars and bikes, from muscle cars to dirt bikes and dune buggies.
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  • All cars and trucks and motorcycles
    A list of American muscle cars and trucks, with some repetitive phrases and minor grammar errors.
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  • Adopt Me Tips & Hacks!
    I ♥ adopt me so much and I saw other adopt me books so I made my own!
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  • Halle's Heart
    Halle's Heart is a book about the circulatory system and how to keep your heart healthy. It provides information about the heart's structure, function, and importance of a he…
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  • The History of the Dodge Motor Company
    The story of Horace and John Dodge, who started the Dodge Motor Company and revolutionized the automobile industry.
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    This book provides a comprehensive overview of horses, covering their characteristics, habitat, diet, survival, life cycle, and cool facts.
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  • Race Cars
    A young car enthusiast provides information about various fast and expensive cars, but with some inaccuracies and lack of organization.
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