Muscular System Books

  • The Muscular System
    A brief introduction to the three types of muscles in the human body: cardiac, smooth, and skeletal.
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  • Skeletal And  Muscular System
    An informative book about the skeletal and muscular systems, their functions, and their importance in our body. Includes some inaccuracies and lacks clear organization.
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  • How does the Muscular System Create Movement?
    This book explains the organization and functions of cells and muscles in the human body, including their interactions with other systems.
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  • What does the Muscular System do for me
    An informative book explaining the muscular system, cells, tissues, and how the muscular system interacts with other body systems.
  • Skeletal And  Muscular Systems
    A basic introduction to the skeletal and muscular systems, explaining their functions and how they work together.
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  • The Human Body!
    Jimbo Bill learns about the human body systems with his friends. They cover the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular, and nervous systems.
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  • The Muscular System
    An informative book about the muscular system, its components, and functions.
  • Digestive System
    Martin the strawberry goes on an adventure through the digestive system, learning about its different parts and functions.
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