Mythology Books

  • The Sun and Moon
    A tale of forbidden love between the Sun King and Moon Queen, cursed to rule the skies apart. Mother Nature finds a way for them to be together during storms.
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  • Greek Mythology
    A brief introduction to Greek mythology and the gods, followed by a story about a mortal named Demi who gains the powers of the gods to defeat Hades.
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  • Tharros and Asteri
    This is my first book on storyjumper! Please comment and like my story! I wrote this story in 6th grade.
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  • King Midas and the golden touch
    King Midas, a king who wished for everything he touched to turn into gold, learns the consequences of his wish and the importance of gratitude.
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  • The Beginning
    What happens when a god gets bored, he creates a new world and people to populate it.
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  • The Odyssey: For Kids
    The story follows Odysseus's adventures as he encounters one-eyed giants, sea monsters, and navigates his way back home.
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  • The Key Elements of Mythology
    This story explores the purpose of myths, the tension between opposing forces, the explanation of the origins of life, fate and prophecy, supernatural characters, and quests.
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  • Mermaids
    This is a book about Mermaids. It is based on Greek Mythology. Hope you enjoy! Hope it explains the myth of mermaids! :p
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