National Park Books

  • Jamie Visits Glacier National Park
    Jamie goes on an overnight camping trip with his grandparents to Glacier National Park. They have adventures, see woodpeckers, and Jamie becomes a Junior Ranger.
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  • National Parks and Mountains
    This Includes Yellowstone National Park
    , Grand Teton National Park and Glacier National Park.
  • 5 Themes of Geography
    Exploring the 5 Themes of Geography, connecting to 3rd Grade NC Standards, and connecting them to 3 different locations: Apex, NC; Wilmington, NC; Grand Canyon National Park.
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  • Yellowstone National Park
    This is an informative and engaging story about Yellowstone National Park, its wildlife, and the role of a park ranger. It includes interactive math problems for children to …
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    This story is about a young boys friendship with bears he met while on holiday in Banff National Park in Canada. Add a description for this book...
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  • Juan the Javan Rhino
    Juan, a Javan Rhinoceros, lives in Ujong Kulon National Park. He faces danger due to being endangered but has friends and organizations helping him.
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  • North Cascades National Park
    The story provides a comprehensive guide to the North Cascades National Park, including its history, location, activities, flora and fauna, and nearby attractions. It also in…
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  • National parks of Greece
    Greek national parks (protected areas) Greece is mainly a mountainous country with a great variety of geological formations and rocks. It is estimated that forests cover 20% …
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