Neil Gaiman Books

  • My last book read
    The story discusses the benefits of reading and mentions a book called 'Coraline in the Country of Cosmars' by Neil Gaiman.
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  • The Magic Book
    Luna, a girl who loves books, discovers a magic portal in one of her books and enters another world. There, she meets Lita, a girl who hates books due to personal issues. Lun…
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  • Reading Adventure
    Kaia, a young reader, shares her love for reading and her experiences as a librarian. She seeks advice from various characters and overcomes challenges.
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  • Perceptions of Literacy
    The author reflects on their childhood as an avid reader, their education, and how it shaped their love for literature and teaching literacy.
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  • Aspire to inspire
    A personal narrative of a child's life, including milestones, family moments, hobbies, dreams, and lessons learned.
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