New Deal Books

  • The New Deal: ABC Book
    A brief overview of the New Deal and its impact on American society during the Great Depression.
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  • Terry and Fear
    This book is for children dealing with fear. Do not allow fear to stop you from doing great things in life and making right decisions. We must teach children to be bold and t…
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    Even children deal with jealousy. We must teach children to never allow jealousy to destroy friendship. Jealousy is a bad feeling, and there is no need to be jealous of anyon…
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  • It is Not Your Fault !
    Woody, a young beaver, navigates the challenges of leaving home due to his father's anger. With the help of a frog, bees, and a woodpecker, he learns to manage his emotions a…
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  • FDR:The New Deal
    A brief overview of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency and his New Deal policies, including opposition and effects.
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  • The New Deal
    A brief overview of the New Deal, its pros and cons, when it happened, what happened during it, where it happened, its main purpose, and its impact on the Great Depression.
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  • FDR and the New Deal
    A historical account of Franklin D. Roosevelt's presidency and the New Deal, including its impact and opposition.
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  • New Deal ABC Book
    An alphabetical list of various programs and acts implemented during the Great Depression to provide relief, jobs, and economic stability.
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