News Website Books

  • The Class Hero
    Justin, a student in Mrs. Jane's class, is being bullied during recess until a new student named Timmy stands up for him and helps create a positive environment.
    Eye Icon 4429
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  • Our Quarantine Adventures
    Our first grade class wrote about how their lives have changed during the Coronavirus Quarantine.
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  • There's Chungus Among Us
    Boofy's life gets turned upside down when he buys shoes from a sketchy website and gets hacked. He learns his lesson and buys better shoes on a trusted website.
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  • Minecraft PC/Mac
    A guide to playing Minecraft, including creating a world, moving, building and mining, joining servers, and using chat and commands.
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  • Captain Co-op, the New Assistant, & the Tornado
    Captain Co-op and his assistant, Volt the electric eel, work at a cooperative that provides electricity and community services. They face a tornado and help with storm damage.
    A collection of websites used by eTwinning OUR SECURE DIGITAL TRACKS project partner pupils. The websites are related by pictures and short descriptions.
  • Day of the Dead
    An informative book about the Day of the Dead, a Hispanic holiday that celebrates ancestors and loved ones who have passed away.
    Eye Icon 160
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  • Pet Pals
    A delightful story about Tara a vet, who takes care of animals like her own pets. Read on to see what happens...
    Eye Icon 246
    Star Icon 12
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