Non-violence Books

  • I Have A Dream...
    A biography of Martin Luther King Jr., his life, activism, and impact on the Civil Rights Movement.
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  • School Day of Non-violence and peace 30th January 2022
    A collection of quotes, messages, and stories promoting peace, non-violence, and anti-bullying.
  • The Life of Gandhi
    The story recounts the life of Gandhi, his fight for India's independence, and his assassination. It highlights key events such as Gandhi being thrown off a train, leading pe…
  • Mandela's Civil Rights Fight
    This book provides a biography of Nelson Mandela, his early life, conflicts, advocacy, accomplishments, and how he is remembered.
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    A brief biography of Mahatma Gandhi, his marriage and family, education, achievements, and legacy.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. and Me
    A children's book about Martin Luther King Jr. and his fight for peace and equality, teaching the importance of friendship and nonviolence.
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  • Ralph Gains Respect Through Nonviolence
    Ralph, a mischievous monkey, uses nonviolence to solve conflicts and gain respect. He rescues his brother from a bucket of cream, gaining friends and a better reputation.
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  • Trevor the kid who achieved Moksha
    The story follows Trevor and his son Junior as they strive to achieve moksha, or peace, through kindness, non-violence, and charity in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions.
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