Northern Germany Books

  • The Hanseatic League
    The story provides a brief history of the Hanseatic League, its purpose, formation, dominance, and decline.
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  • Northern Europe
    The story provides a detailed overview of Northern Europe, covering its physical features, climate, natural resources, and history. It also delves into the specific character…
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  • ABC's of Interesting Landmarks
    This book explores various famous landmarks and sites around the world, providing brief descriptions of their history and significance.
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  • Different Breeds of Different Dogs
    This is a book about 52 different dog breeds! Do you have a favorite breed of dog? If so, can you locate it in this book? It took 2 days and 5 hours to make, so please leave …
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  • German Unification
    A historical account of Germany's unification under Prussian leadership, including wars and political maneuvers.
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  • Napoleon Bonaparte
    The life and military campaigns of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his rise to power in France to his eventual downfall.
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  • Celebrations Around the World Companion Book
    This is a companion to the Celebrations Around the World book. It contains more information for each celebration.
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  • ABC's of American History
    An alphabetical guide to key historical events, figures, and concepts in American history, from the abolitionist movement to the Zimmerman Note.
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