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Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berdichev marvels at the faith and dedication of the Jewish people in observing Passover, contrasting it with the enforcement of secular laws.
by Binyamin

The Three Weeks is a period of mourning in the Jewish religion to commemorate the destruction of the first and second holy temples. It has specific rules and restrictions for…
by catlover718

A description of the Islamic month of Ramadan, its observances, and changes during the pandemic.
by mxcutuu

This book provides information about the history and celebration of Thanksgiving in different countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Santa Lucia, …

A brief overview of the childhood of Jesus, emphasizing the lack of information in the Bible and the importance of trust in God.

The story is about a scientist who gets lost on a new planet, and her friend from Earth joins a rescue team to find her. There are also alien characters involved.

A brief overview of the history and traditions of Halloween, including its origins in Celtic harvest festivals and its association with Christian observances.

The story highlights the importance of forests, their impact on our lives, and the need for conservation. It also raises questions about human responsibility.
by Fatma Kul

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