Observations Books

    I made this book because I love animals and I love to create things!!! By Alyssa Mobley
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  • ABC's of MY LIFE
    Very maybe in a opinion deep..... But, Get ready to dive into my life! And what I can and can not live with!
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  • The Life Cycle of a Chicken
    This book explains the life cycle of a chicken, from egg to adult. It covers hatching, growth, and the role of the mother hen.
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  • All about cats
    A child's observations and experiences with their pet cat, Virgil, including his eating habits, funny sleeping positions, and adventures.
  • Observation & Inferences
    The story explains the concepts of observation and inference, their importance, and how they are used in various situations and professions.
    by zee1
    Eye Icon 302
  • Upon A Star
    A curious boy named Cameron embarks on a dream journey through space, exploring the properties of different planets and realizing the value of his home.
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  • The Powers of Observation:
    The Power of observation as told through the eyes of two young deer, as they try to figure out why the forest is changing
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  • All About Me!
    A rhyming book about a girl named Alexis who is a triplet and loves playing sports, going to the zoo, and celebrating her birthday.
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