Ocd Books

  • Terry & His Terrible Room
    Terry, a young dinosaur, struggles with cleaning his room due to his OCD. With his mom's support, they learn to manage it together.
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  • OCD Awareness
    This book was created to inform kids about OCD Awareness Week! It teaches them what OCD is and how to differ it from the stereotypes.
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  • A little girl living with OCD
    A child with OCD learns about their condition and seeks help from doctors to live a more carefree life.
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  • OCD For Me!
    A children's book explaining OCD, its different manifestations, and how to cope with it.
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  • My Perfect Mind
    A children's book highlighting all aspects of OCD in children.
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  • Quashy's Bad Bananas! An OCD Handbook for Kids
    This is a book for kids 7-15 that will help them overcome OCD with cognitive behavioral therapy.
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  • The Monster caused by OCD
    In a village scared of a monster, a child named Ricky befriends him and teaches the villagers about his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
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  • The Man with OCD
    Bob, a man with OCD, is addicted to TV. His friends help him overcome his addiction and OCD. They go on a trip to Hawaii.
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