Ocean Books

  • What Are The Chances?
    Edward, a red seahorse, and his crab friends, Evan and Elaine, go on an adventure to make new friends and learn about probability.
    Eye Icon 9661
    Star Icon 358
  • SISTERS Saving the Reef of Maldives
    An inspirational book about friends traveling together on their dream vacation. They discover coral bleaching and feel impassioned to spread awareness of the impact of pollut…
    Eye Icon 4946
    Star Icon 784
  • Rose's Gift
    This is a story about a young girl, by a young girl, to inspire a world of young girls.
    Eye Icon 4840
    Star Icon 208
  • Me and the Beautiful Mermaid
    This book is about a little girl who goes swimming and has an adventure with a mermaid.
    Eye Icon 1798
    Star Icon 172
  • Tiny's Big Journey
    After being rescued from a hole, Tiny, a Loggerhead Sea Turtle hatchling, struggles to find the perfect habitat-one with all of her basic needs.
    This book will help intro…
    Eye Icon 48439
    Star Icon 2489
  • Terry the tug boat
    Terry, a tug boat, is belittled by other boats but proves his worth during a storm by saving them. He gains recognition and finds his place in the ocean.
    Eye Icon 5863
    Star Icon 99
  • The Shark Who Loved Pickles
    An unlikely friendship between a shark and a fisherman cultivated over a rather peculiar food.
    Eye Icon 16731
    Star Icon 461
  • The Fish and the Seahorse
    For all the people who were ever victims of discrimination, racism, and slavery.
    Eye Icon 10218
    Star Icon 116
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