Oil Drilling Books

  • EARTH DAY: Doing Our Part
    This is an educational book about environmental conservation. Each letter of the alphabet introduces a different concept related to the environment, from air quality to zero …
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  • Perry The Platypus
    Perry and his Super Spy skills and how he stop doofensmirtz and his Oil Drilling schemes.
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  • The Texas Oil Boom
    The Texas Oil Boom transformed Texas's economy, bringing prosperity and fame. It also led to the discovery of various oil fields and the production of petroleum products.
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  • Tamer and The Family Farm
    Tamer, a boy from a middle-class family in the United Middle East, learns about his country's need to drill for oil on their farm and comes to understand and support the gove…
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  • Banana Trouble
    Monkeys want to grow their own bananas but are not allowed. They have to buy them from across the ocean. The story draws a parallel to Americans wanting to drill for oil in A…
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  • Human Impact
    The book discusses the human impact on Earth, covering topics like agriculture, urbanization, deforestation, population growth, overgrazing, fracking, drilling, mining, natur…
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  • by: Benjamin Burt and Lucas Burt
    A family remembers their great uncles who lost their lives on the Ocean Ranger oil rig through a heartfelt story.
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  • How to Save our Planet! Global Warming
    This book explains what global warming is and how it affects the Arctic/Tundra biome, including melting ice, rising sea levels, and climate change. It also provides solutions…
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