Okapi Books

  • Who is the Okapi?
    Olivia the Okapi, a shy resident of the Congo Rain Forest, shares her love for plants and berries and mentions the high temperature. She expresses gratitude and hopes to meet…
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  • Okapi's
    An informational book about okapis, including their species, size, family, food, appearance, habitat, and fun facts.
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  • Giraffes
    An alphabetical book about giraffes, covering their habitat, diet, and unique characteristics. Intended to help children learn the alphabet and science vocabulary.
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  • Animal ABC's
    An informative book introducing various unique animals and their characteristics.
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  • Wonders of DR Congo
    A book about the wonders of different provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo, with information on their attractions, culture, and people.
  • The Alphabet Zoo
    Welcome To The Alphabet Zoo All the animals lover the Letters that starts their names come and see all the animals and read silly sentences.
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  • Walt Disney World 2015
    A detailed account of a family trip to Walt Disney World, including the journey, activities, and highlights of each day.
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  • My favourite animal
    A collection of short descriptions about various animals, their characteristics, and habitats.
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