Ominous Books

  • Cats That Spy
    Revel in this short story about Cats That Spy.

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    Thanks, Lillian Troyak
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  • The Poem Machine
    Annabeth and her friend Saima use a haiku generator for a poetry contest, but Annabeth accidentally submits a comedic haiku instead of Saima's poetic one. They switch poems, …
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  • How the Lizard Lost Its Wings
    A tale long-forgotten, now recounted of How the Lizard Lost Its Wings. Young Lizard is told a catastrophic prophecy, which will lead him to a series of unique encounters in a…
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  • Ocean and the voices
    This book is about a 3rd grader who has just moved to California. She's scared to start her new school and doesn't really like her house. But as she stays in the house she s…
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  • Jimmy and the Woods
    Three brothers go camping in the woods and encounter a scary noise. They overcome their fears and find out it was just rabbits.
  • Ashamed
    A fourth grader's encounter with a friend's ominous prediction leads to fear and anxiety, but ultimately teaches a valuable lesson about trusting others.
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  • Eco Max: The Inventor's Legacy
    Rebecca, an 11-year-old prodigy, discovers her great-grandfather's ominous invention. With her sister Emma, she transforms it to nurture the planet, facing challenges and ult…
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  • Henry's Haunted Halloween
    Henry has an exciting Halloween, from dressing up as Batman to conquering a haunted house with his friends.
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