Online Security Books

  • Online security
    Toby, a 10-year-old dog who loves video games, befriends Alex online. But when Alex asks for Toby's password, he hacks into Toby's account and steals his money. Toby learns t…
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  • ABC's of Digital Safety
    A guide for children on internet safety, covering topics such as social media, online bullying, and computer security.
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    The story discusses internet safety and provides tips for secure internet use. It includes conversations between students and teachers about passwords, secure browsing, and a…
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  • My First Book
    A collection of e-safety rules from various schools, providing tips on how to stay safe online and protect personal information.
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  • Online Personal Security  Guideline
    Maddy, a young girl, forgets to log out of her Instagram account on a public iPad. A man accesses her account and posts creepy pictures. Maddy's sister encourages her to tell…
  • Social Media Safety
    A list of do's and don'ts for staying safe on social media, including tips on privacy, password security, and online interactions.
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  • Phishing
    A conversation about phishing and how to avoid it after someone's Facebook login is stolen.
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  • INTERNET SAFETY DAY 9th of February
    This book provides important tips for staying safe on the internet, including creating strong passwords, avoiding sharing personal information, and being cautious of stranger…
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