Orchard Books

  • Adam Loves Apples
    The short tale of Adam and his love for all things apple
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  • The Runaway Apple
    Farmer Albert goes to his orchard to pick apples but one rolls away. He chases it and gets it back, but it's too late for pie. His wife saves the day with a slice of pie.
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  • A Visit to Grandfather's Orchard
    Udin and Idin visit their grandfather in the village and learn about different local fruits at the orchard.
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  • Mei's Orchard
    Mei, a young girl in the Santa Clara Valley, learns about her community's history of resilience and hope through the stories of her ancestors and the changing landscape of th…
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  • The Apple That Fell From The Tree
    This is a story of apples and how the biggest one fell from the tree followed by the other apples in the orchard.
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  • Apple Jack and the Garden Gnats
    A story about unexpected friendship and working together for the benefit of a community.
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  • The History of Thoroughbred Horse Racing in Kentucky
    This book provides a comprehensive history of horse racing in Kentucky, from its origins in Ancient Greece to the present day. It covers key figures, famous horses, and signi…
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    Granddaughter Jillian will soon be having a surgery to enable her to walk. It will be a long recovery and she will be hospitalized for 6 to 8 weeks. She will also be separate…
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