Orphanages Books

  • Magic chalk
    Bella, an orphan, escapes from the orphanage and embarks on a magical adventure to rebuild a ghost town with the help of a briefcase and magic chalk.
    Eye Icon 2330
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  • The Country of Ukraine
    An informative book about Ukraine, its history, culture, and traditions.
    Eye Icon 38
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  • Wish Upon Fantasy
    Star, a girl with a magical heritage, embarks on adventures from an orphanage to fairyland, facing challenges and discovering her true identity along the way.
    Eye Icon 84
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  • Orphanage Life
    Meet The Orphans is a story about the daily lives of five orphans and their caretaker, Ms. Stout, at an orphanage. It follows their routines, interactions, and activities.
  • Awesome Pants!
    Joey, a young boy born in Germany, faces hardships after losing his parents. He travels to America, lives in an orphanage, escapes, and eventually becomes the President due t…
    Eye Icon 158
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  • The Girl Who Grew Wings
    Amelia is an angel, but she doesn't know it yet. Ever since she was a child she always wanted to fly. She lives in a small orphanage in Oregon. But when she grows wings and d…
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  • The Orphanage girl
    Writted by: De La Rosa Hernández Alexa Sofía
    Eligio Torres Valente
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  • Sue learns to share
    Sue, a spoiled girl, learns the value of giving and sharing after a visit to an orphanage.
    Eye Icon 389
    Star Icon 10
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