Orphans Books

  • The Girl Who Grew Wings
    Amelia is an angel, but she doesn't know it yet. Ever since she was a child she always wanted to fly. She lives in a small orphanage in Oregon. But when she grows wings and d…
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  • Little Orphan Oboe
    Little Orphan Oboe, a lonely oboe player, and her dog Paprika find acceptance and a family in an orchestra.
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  • The Orphan.
    To everyone who lost their parents, be patient, an opportunity will come.
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  • Magic chalk
    Bella, an orphan, escapes from the orphanage and embarks on a magical adventure to rebuild a ghost town with the help of a briefcase and magic chalk.
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  • Orphan
    The three orphan friends found out that they were goddesses! They go on a dangerous adventure to save their city...
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  • Black Clover
    This book tells the story of the adventures of two novice wizards. Magic, mysticism ,friendship are all intertwined in my book.
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  • The adventures of
    Five orphans encounter an evil queen who sends them to a place with scary things. They meet a mermaid, find the scary place, and play with monsters. The queen runs away and t…
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  • The Orphan Girl
    I wrote this book to promote a traditional Turkish story to the children from all over the world. Hope you have fun reading it.
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