Ottoman Empire Books

  • The Ottoman Empire
    A brief history of the establishment and growth of the Ottoman Empire, its achievements, and its eventual dissolution.
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    Age Of Foundation At the time of the Ottoman Principality there was no political unity in the Balkans. The most powerful being in the Balkans was the Serbian Empire and There…
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  • The Ottoman Empire: From Establishment to Ending
    A brief overview of the Ottoman Empire's history, rulers, and its decline, with additional information on movies and TV series about it.
  • The Battle of Lepanto
    The Battle of Lepanto was a naval battle in 1571 between the Ottoman Empire and United Christian forces. The Christians won, pushing back the Ottomans.
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  • P.E.R.S.I.A. about Gunpowder Empires
    The story provides a comprehensive comparison of the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual, and artistic aspects of six different empires: France under Louis X…
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  • ABC's of WW1
    An alphabetical overview of World War I, covering key terms, events, and countries involved.
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  • The Battle of Mohacs
    The story recounts the Battle of Mohacs, where the Ottoman Empire defeated Hungary, leading to significant consequences for both sides.
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  • Ottoman Wars
    A historical account of the conquest of Istanbul and two other wars involving the Ottoman Empire, with some inaccuracies and lack of clarity.
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